Note: The following message contains ASCII art. For best results viewing or printing, you should use a monospaced font such as Courier or Monaco. The primary purpose in creating this is to increase your joy this purim by enabling people to send "shalach manos" to your friends via e-mail. Of course this can not be a substitute for real shalach manos -- unless you print it on rice paper and eat it! :-) All following artwork is originally by Lev Lawrence, 1995 This was made for YOU! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ___" _ _ Here is your shalach manos... | (_) _|_ /~~\ | | /~\ |~~\ |~~\ \ / |/~~~|____ |~~\ | | |~~\ | |\_/| |---| |---| |--' |--' \_/ _ -/~/~\~\||_/~~____~-_ |--' | | |--' | | | | | | | | | | -/_/- ~ ~ ~/-\_\-~ ~)_) | |__/ | `\ | | | ______ /|/~ __/'/| |~\|\--~~ |====| /|/ >_>' \|_ \|\ )||( |/ _________________ |\| \|\ _- ~~\%%%/ ||||/ /________________/| \|\ _-~. . ._-' /||||\ |___\|/::::::::::| |---__ \|\ . _-~ |######|-~ ~-_:::/~\::| |'''''~-_ _~. \|\ - / |## Ked| . \/ /\ \:| |''''''''- . . \|\ /| |## Gra| ______|_/__\ \| |''(%)'_~ . . - \|\ ||/\|######|~-_( ,----, )----'| |'''''_ . _~ /\|| \~~~~~~~''''---_\_\__/_/_(_))(_)|;_''__-------~~~~~~/ ~~~~~~~-------_____((_)(_)(_)(_))_____-------~~~~~~ ~~~~~~-------______(_)((_)(_)(_)_____-------~~~~~~ ~~~~~-------_______((_)(_))(_)______-------~~~~~ ~~~~-------________((_)(_)_))______-------~~~~ ~~~-------__________(_)(_)________-------~~~ ~~-------___________((_)_________-------~~ ~-------________________________-------~LL =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hamantashen! -- with no fat, no cholesterol, no calories ____--------------___ /~~\ /~~~ ~~\ / ,, \ \ \~:----______---:~~/ / / /:.\ \ \ \::..:..:::.::::/ / / /:;..\ \ \ \:.::.:.:.:/ / ____--------------___ / /.:.:.:\ \ \ \..::.:/ / /~~~ ~~\ / /:.:..:::.:.\ \ \ \:::./ / \ \~.----______---:~~/ / / /::..:.._;_:_:.:.:\ \ \ \:/ / \ \::.::.:.::.::::/ / / /_:_;-~~~ ~~~--_:\ \ \ / \ \:.::.:..::/ / (____ ____) \__/ /~~\ \ \:.::.:/ / ~~~~~----------~~~~~ / ,, \ \ \:::./ / ____--------------___ / /:.\ \ \ \:/ / /~~~ ~~\ / /:;..\ \ \ / \ \~.----______---:~~/ / / /.:.:.:\ \ \__/ \ \::.::.:.::.::::/ / / /:.:..:::.:.\ \ \ \:.::.:..::/ / / /::..:.._;_:_:.:.:\ \ \ \..::.:/ / / /_:_;-~~~ ~~~--_:\ \ \ \:::./ / (____ ____) \ \:/ / ~~~~~----------~~~~~ \ / "baked" by Lev Lawrence \__/ (pareve, pas yisroel) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _,~~~~~~~~~,_ |=-=-=-=-=--=-|____________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ||\___ | | | \|/ | | | \|/ || ,\' ' |_) ' _|_ ' ,| ' | || __\ | | | -, |_ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ||_/ _)\ | | | | / |_) ,| \|/ | | | \|/ || ,\' ,\' | ,| || (__/ | | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ ,_ ||~\ )~~\ | | | _|/ _|_ \|/ \|/ | _| | _|/ | | | ,| |_) || |~\ /\ | | | _ _ _ __ ,_ _ ,_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ||--/ (_/~~~\ | | | ,| _| ' | |_) ,|,\'|_) | |_| ' | \|/ _|/ | ||--\ (~\___/ | | | ____ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ ,_ _ _ || |_/ \/ | | | _| | _|_ \|/ __| |_| ,| ,| |_| ' |_) ' _|_ ||_/ )__/ | | ||___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ |__ ,_ _ || (~~\ | | | /_|/ \|/ | | | \|/ || ,\' | / |_) ,| ||~\ ~)/ | | ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |__ ,_ | __ _ || ~~/ |_____________| | \|/ ,\' | _|| | _| / |_) ,\' (_) _| ||/~~~ |=-=-=-=-=--=-|====================================================; ~~~~~|~|~~~~~ |\__ <~\ | | ______ _______ _______ ___ |_ / _______ | |___ ____ __ __ /---\ \____ ||_ __ )\_ __ \|__ \//' |_ __ )|___ )\__ )\ \/ \ (=====) | |__|| | | ( (__) )/_\ \_ __|| | | / / __| | > /~\ | \___/ |_|\__| |_| \____/|__ |\__\ \__| |_| /_/' /_/|_||_| [__| [_] LL \| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ,-------------------------, __/\__ | Wishing you the best, | __/\__ > P < __/\__ | Lev and Miriam Lawrence | __/\__ > A < ~~\/~~ > P < __/\__ | | > H < ~~\/~~ ~~\/~~ > Y < ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~\/~~ ~~\/~~ __/\__ __/\__ > P < __/\__ __/\__ > M < ~~\/~~ > U < __/\__ > I < ~~\/~~ ~~\/~~ > R < ~~\/~~ ~~\/~~ ---------- P.S. I would like to encourage people to send gifts of food to the needy, shut-ins, seniors in care facilities, and Jewish people who don't yet know about shalach manos... before thinking of which friends sent baskets to you -- and feeling obligated to give a basket to someone who is already going to receive dozens of baskets.